The following day we decided to take the expressway. Even though cycling is prohibited the police gave us the directions there when we asked them the way. Once again we were through
Kashan to Natanz was a hard and slow day as there was plenty of climbing, a good headwind and even a few minutes of rain (photo). We had hoped to get a lot further so as to be able to reach Esfahan the following day, but in the end we had to leave the expressway and find a hotel in Natanz as we had passed nothing all day and we had no water or food and the light was fading quickly. Thankfully we found a large hotel and we were the only people staying there. We were passed by a Swede on a motorbike who stopped for a chat. He was heading for the same hostel on Esfahan and he is sat next to me chatting as I type.
Yesterday went well, but I was stopped twice by the police. The first time was just outside of the hotel. As I went to look for a shop that was open they stopped me because I was wearing shorts. They are baggy shorts that go down to the knee, but that was too short apparently. I told them I was on a bike but that didn’t impress them but they soon lost interest with the language barrier. All the useful shops were shut so we set off with just biscuits and crisps and the hope of passing another petrol station. The first 40k were hard and slow as we climbed up to 2460m, something that was unexpected and it made the chances of reaching Esfahan at 130k seem very unlikely. On the way up we were followed by police for about 2k and at a police station they eventually pulled us over. They told us we had to leave the expressway as there was no cycling, but I told them that the police had directed us down this way and no other police had stopped us, then they said how dangerous it was, but I said it was far safer as there was less traffic and far more room for the trucks to pass safely. Then they said we could continue. I was amazed. I couldn’t see the police in England letting you continue doing something illegal, but this is Iran. Once at the summit is was plain sailing and the next 30k were completed with effortless pedaling. We didn’t pass a garage so we took lunch of biscuits and crisps and also bananas and more pistaccio nuts that we had been given by passing motorists. Later on we also stopped to eat half a water melon we were given by a truck driver. We made it to Esfahan comfortably and in daylight and felt like celebrities on the way in as cars tooted, waved, greeted us, pulled up alongside for a chat and filmed us. Once at the hostel we soon chatted amongst oth
Today is the first day of our `holiday`. After a late and long breakfast we went to the bank to collect some cash sent from Germany only to find that the two countries are no longer doing business. That somewhat ended Judith and Andres hopes of getting a flight out of Iran, so we sat and discussed the options. One option was to go overland the same route through Pakistan as I intend to take, but Judith was not impressed as it is not the safest of options. Then some Germans arrived who had come from Dubai by boat, so it looks as they will be making the reverse journey as they will not need the extra cash to do that.
I am still undecided as what is best to do. It seems unlikely that I will cycle the first 600k in Pakistan as it is lawless and a somewhat dangerous area at the moment. I have heard that even the police will not enter the area and turn a blind eye as to what goes on there. There is little habitation and water and cycling slow through the area will make it a little difficult to stay concealed. I have plenty of time to make a decision though.
Sorry to see the comments drying up, so I thought I'd post one despite not having anything to comment on.
If you get bored once you get to Australia, who could try emulating a chap who was in news today. He's just got back to London after spending 13 years (!!) circling the world using only leg power - bike, kayak, roller blades & a pedal powered boat. Mind you, he did spend 9 months recovering from 2 broken legs after being hit by an 83 year old motorist in the USA, so I'm not suggesting you copy that bit.
Oh look, I did have something to comment on after all....
Don't encourage him Brian - I'm looking forward to the New Year party of 2008-09!!!
I'm reading a book of the epic journey of a group of US and Soviet cyclists across Siberia which includes some 900 miles battling through a swamp where there are no roads. So it makes your journey seem quite tame!!
Don't try and copy though! There was a team of them for back-up when they got into frequent difficulties such as encounters with bears.
Looking forward to hearing about your "holiday". :-)
Caff - where is this New Year party of 2008-09 going to be held? It looks likely that it will need a lot of organization and include finding sponsorship and funding, especially now Brian's suggested he emulate Jason Lewis!
I have searched the web, and as you say the first 600k in Pakistan does not look at all encouraging unless you are serious about experiencing life as a kidnapped person or corpse!
This is the first part of your anticipated journey that is giving me stomach ulcers and heart palpitations. Have a heart! I struggle when my 'little darlings' get out of their cotton wool wrappings - perhaps I could post them to you!
Around the 12th is the end of Ramadan - it should make for a great birthday celebration.
I thought no one else was worrying about you crossing bandit country and then I got to Aoiffe's comment. I too am going to have sleepless nights (and get a few frey hairs!!) if you don't find a different route for the next leg of your journey.
Hi John, its caffs friend Jane from the golf club.... she kindly gave me this address, which im sure you wont mind about ;o) anyway its great to hear about all your adventures!! certainly alot tamer than anything ive experienced.
Best of luck for the next part of your journey...
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