So Monday morning was a replay, but this time I never felt like stopping any longer and soon I was on the road. I had no idea how far I would get or where I would stay, I just decided to see how things went. They went pretty well, the first 30k was flat, then the hills started, but they were proper hills, long enough to call hills and not so steep you have to bust a gut to get up them, I was beginning to enjoy myself again, even though the sea was still conspicuous by it's absence and the rest of the scenery was hardly anything to write home about, so I wont. The
A short ride was on for the next day, so having arrived I decided my body needed more sugar, so I bought a cakey, slab type brick thing, it weighed a ton, but when I came to eat it in the evening despite it being tightly wrapped the local ants had claimed it as theirs, there were dozens in there, tiny little ones that dart all over the place. That was my sugar fix and I wasn't about to give it up easily, so I gave it a wash under the tap and ate it, a bit soggy mind. The next day I bought another cake this time it wasn't wrapped so when I went out I created a little island with my coffee container and piled all the food stuffs on top, a nice little tower. On my return the whole lot had toppled and there was a whole swarm of ants around the cake, 100s of them, but I still wasn't giving up, though this time I just huffed and puffed a bit and then ate it. Blow me (excuse the pun) but the following night the ants were once again at my cake, but I lost the will to fight them this time and I just ate it. I'm sorry, but if I ate a few ants with it, it might seem cruel, but that is their problem not mine.
Most days seems to start reasonably easily hill wise, but after about 40k I had just decided I would stop at the next cafe for a bit of refueling as I could see some nasty hills ahead, but having dropped down to a bridge the road turned sharply and went straight into a very steep climb, to make things worse the road was rocks on one side and gravel on the other, so I stuck to the gravel, but it was so steep that I eventually lost traction and came to an abrupt stop. I couldn't get started again for the same reason and as I could see tarmac ahead I got off and pushed. This was somewhat more difficult as my feet lost traction too and whats more I really needed to be going uphill with the brakes on as the bike didn't seem to have a head for heights and was desperate to go back down again. At last I got going again, but it was still very steep and really
Whilst I have been on this road I have been burning about 4000-4500 calories a day, that's a lot of eating, but I like a challenge. I don't leave without breakfast, then I have a meal roughly every 40k and one for luck.Added to that I have an evening snack, at least the leftovers from what the ants had been chomping through!
I could hardly believe the start I had yesterday, 60k of dead flat, not a single hill, nothing, but I knew the afternoon would be heading across the mountains. They told me where I stopped for lunch that it was 90k to Kota Agung where I was aiming to spend the night, I didn't believe them, it was never that far on the map, I guessed at about 60k though once I got started it was 65k to SGI whatever that was, so may be they were right. The mountains arrived with a bang, a sort of rerun of the previous day, though this time the surface was better, that just meant in practice I could keep going, but in reality it was too steep for me on a heavily laden bike, I stopped for a rest, sat with my back to the hill and ate biscuits. Every time I turned around the hill was still there, I really didn't want to go up it. Somebody coming down in a 4WD stopped and offered me a lift up, I turned down the offer, besides he told me it was only 3k to the top. It wasn't it was just over 10k, it would have been more useful if he had said "I have just come down the hill but I have no idea how far it is to the top, I don't know where I have come from or what my name is". That's being a bit harsh, he was a nice man and gave me a drink, but he is crap on distances. It's strange though that when you go up really steep hills, then it becomes less steep, it feels as though you are having a break, it's when they are too steep for too long that it becomes a problem. The road surface was new and having reached 640m I was really looking forward to the descent, but oh dear, it was terrible, sand, gravel and rocks the whole way, very steep for 7km, will lots of sharp bends, so I needed the brakes on hard the whole time, my hands ached, my arms ached, I was being thrown around and fighting to keep control most of the time. I had to stop to rest and to let the rims cool down a couple of times. I felt pretty cheated by the descent but then I thought about going up it, that would have been a nightmare and would have made my climb look like a walk in the park. To make things worse most of the afternoon was spent trying to convince myself I was still on the right road, I couldn't find the places on the map that were initialed on the kilometer stones and what's more I seemed to be going in the wong direction compared with the road on the map. At last I arrived at SGI, but I still didn't know the name of the place, but there was clearly nowhere to stay. I was told by some the next hotel was 5k, by others it was 10k. I had already covered 130k of tough road, I really didn't want to be doing any more, but the road was now in a valley and the roadside was all houses, nowhere to camp, I had to carry on. After 10k I arrived at Wonosobo, what a great name, but still nowhere to stay, it would be another 11k to Kota Agung in the dark, but I was sure there would be something there, thankfully there was. I don't know why I ask people how far somewhere is, they are always wrong, they are about as reliable as my map, it gives you a very rough idea of what's ahead, but you can never be sure until you have got there. I spoke to a guy in the hotel, he had come from Bandar Lumpang where I was heading today, he told me it was 25k to the top of the hill, then it rolled and the last 17k was flat, I believed him.
A dream came true this morning, somebody was yet again wrong on distances but this time he had over estimated, it was only 18k to the top, all on a good surface and none of it steep, a nice relaxed climb and a great descent on a smooth surface, a descent that increased the average speed, unlike yesterdays which reduced it! Then it was almost entirely flat until I reached the kilometer stone 17k from Bandar Lumpang, then I started the second longest climb of the day at about 6km, none of the last 17k was flat. Today I still covered 94k, but after the last few days it almost felt like a day off, I arrived at 15:30, very civilised.
I am really glad to be here in Bandar Lumpang. I had a choice of 3 routes heading south in Sumatra and the last 90 odd k to the ferry is the only road, so I would have been on that no matter what happened. Also my map tells me the mountains are behind me for a while, I like that, I am going to believe it. From here to the other side of Java I have a better map. No, no, what am I saying, that's probably not true, I have a different map.
So all being well I will be on the ferry to Java tomorrow evening.
If you need all those calories each day then I would eat as many of the ants as possible - all good protein, and nothing compared with those spit roast bugs you were offered.
Hi there Al (Oldyonfoldy)
In Bukit Tinggi stayed at the Hotel Orchid, it probably isn't the cheapest place at 75,000 Rupiah, but in my opinion it was very good value in comparison with other places I have stayed along the route in Indonesia. Breakfast is thrown in too, though dont get too excited as it's only a coffee and 2 slices to toast and strawberry jam that tasted strangely salty. There are a couple of other hotels in the same street, but didn't offer such good value.
If you need any more specific info about them or about riding from there down to Java, drop me an email, details on the front page of the blog.
All the best,
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