Gosh it's been a long time since a post, so at this stage I am not sure if that means that I am going to write a lot, or just say "Oh sod it, I can't be bothered!"
Ok, let's see what I can remember. Well I set out from Sumbawa Besar straight into a climb, a bit of a shock as it was the first one encountered on Sumbawa after a flat day the previous day, but thankfully it didn't last too long. By mid morning though, things were getting tougher, the
The next day had some great scenery, mountains to one side, sea to the other, just as I like it, the wind head on, just as I hate it. The roads were now very quiet, no traffic, no villages, no houses, nothing. The kilometers stones told me it was 38km to BTS, my map wasn't going to help me out with that one, but on arrival I went straight past it thinking there had to be more around the corner, there wasn't, so I back tracked. All that was there was a cafe and a mosque, I made use of the cafe and just looked at the mosque wondering who on earth used it. The road wound its way up and down around the bays, delightful stuff, then climbed away from the coast. I stopped at another cafe for drinks and topped up my water bottle. Then I managed to do what I have threatened so many times in the past and left a bottle behind. Now, I know it's only a small thing, but I found it so annoying, still I bought a litre of fanta which fits the holder, so now I am carrying more water, more weight, oh joy! I arrived in Dompu, a sizable town with 3 reasonable hotels, though not alot to keep one entertained.
Then I was off to Sape at the other end of Sumbawa island, the road going around a massive loop and sticking close to the mountains when it looked far shorter to have just cut straight across the flat land, but only on reaching the far side did I find the problem, a big lump of sea. Having gone around in a large loop it meant that I had the wind behind me, oh that was just wonderful for a few kilometers, especially as the road was once again right beside the sea looking across to mountains on the other side of the bay, I was in heaven. I never seem to stay long in heaven, hell is always beckoning to me and sure enough I once again turned inland up some nice steep hills before settling into a climb, only reaching the highest point I had been to on the island with just 18km of it left to cover. When I checked into a losmen there was a small classroom with an English lesson about to start. I asked how far it was to the port for tomorrow morning's crossing to Flores, "Oh, only about 3 minutes" I was told, "Oh, less than a kilometer then" I said surprised, "No, it's about 3 kilometers". So why is it that people think I can cycle at 60kph, I can't even do that going down a steep hill, let alone through a village, no vehicle can average 60kph on these roads.
Come morning I set off to try and cover the 3km in 3 minutes, it was never going to happen, the school run was on, it was 7am and the roads were overcrowded with horse and carts, motorbikes were squeezing through, lorries and buses had their horn blaring out, but at least we were moving. I reached the dock and the ticket office before it had opened so I was all but first on by 7:40, we were supposed to depart at 8am. I grabbed a coffee and found a seat, there was no shortage. I was soon surrounded by 3 undesirables, I really didn't want to be with them for the 8 hour trip, so I wasn't exactly welcoming. As soon as they moved off the next one moved in, again I wasn't welcoming to his question "Where are you going?", "Guess", "I don't know" he replied,
Ok, that will do for now, but don't even start to think you have got off lightly, I am far from up to date so you might well get another load tomorrow......are you keeping up?
I have given up waiting for the photograph to lod up too, I might try that again tomorrow.
Keeping up so far, glad there's more to come. Reading about it is easy, but doing it sounds very tough (and quite dream-like) for a lot of the time.
Great to hear more of your news - sounds like interesting times where you are. Looking forward to the next installment. J
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