Its not long since my last post but as this is a day off I thought I would put in an update.
I left Innsbruck a bit late, well 9am, due to bumping into Beryl and Bob, a couple from Sydney who are touring Europe in a UK registered camper van. I met them in Leichtenstein and hadnt realised that there van was just 50m from where I was camped. There was a good cycle path through Innsbruck along the river so the first 20k was a doddle, then the main road was flat and fast between the mountains and I was going so well I didnt bother turning the map over and over shot my turning. Once back on the right road it was busier than expected and blooming hot. I had lunch and then there was another 1000m climb ahead, only I felt really rough in the afternoon and all the way up the climb. I felt dizzy at one point and stopped for a rest in the shade in a village and a German voice said something to me which I translated as "stop lounging around and get up the hill you wimp", so I got up felt dizzy and sat down again. Well I eventually made it to the top of the climb, but it was slow and hard going, but worth it for some views down the valley and views of Ausrias largest waterfall. The campsite I found was tiny and very basic, just as I like them.
Yesterday started with another 450m climb staight out of Mittersill where I was staying, but it was so much better than the previous day and I felt great and dare I say it I was even enjoying going up hill. I cut through the corner of Germany to get to Salzburg which meant that I had to get off route 3 times to avoid long tunnels, but otherwise the day was pretty uneventful. I was thinking the scenery was pretty average until I stopped to think about it. If I have been at home I would have thought it was amazing, but having been in the mountains a while now I have become a bit blase about it.
I stopped off a a supermarket to top up on stocks and bought some Clever biscuits. Now I am no expert, but from what I could make out they were no brighter than your average biscuit.
The supermarket was at the edge of Saltzburg, Mozarts city where everything has his name on so I also bought Mozart Golden Delicious apples!

Today has been spent wandering around the city and a very pleasant city it is too. It is pretty small and compact, so I rode around the sight the other side of the river then parked up and walked around the sights on this side. As David and Lyndsey pointed out, when you are on a long trip you tend to watch you budget so I didnt bother going into the castle as the best thing seemed to be the views from the ramparts and I had already had views for free elsewhere. Talking of watching budgets, being as am basically heading east I only bother to put sun lotion on my right hand side to save on costs!
Teri, my sister said she could never do a trip like this as she couldnt spend a year when nothing was ever familiar. Well so far I have loved it, but it may explain why I am enjoying camping as it offers a home that has familiarity, all be it in a different place each night. Each evening it rain, sometimes with a thunder storm and I just love it so long as the tent is already set up. It is so nice and cosy to listen to the rain whilst in the tent with a mug of coffee.

To some people camping isnt fun, as the other photo illustrates, but what do I hate about it. The only thing I really dislike is setting up the tent in the rain, oh, and the bugs that always seem to get into the tent and I really didnt like waking up to be nose to nose to a slug that was on my pillow.
Well tomorrow I head in the vague direction of Vienna which will be my next stopover. I still havent decided a route as I need to turn the map over and that is a job for tonight. I am in no rush to get there so it is unlikely to be a straight route.
Oh, and I have heard a rumour that Woodstock won the branch striking competion. Well done, you wouldnt have done that if I had been in the band.
A few more photos have been added.
Hi John
I was amused by your campsite sign. Co-incidently, you are only about 15 miles south of a village which is number 1 in a book i have. Its called '100 RUDEST PLACE NAMES IN THE WORLD'. Its about 2 miles SW of Tarsdorf. I think you should get a photo of the sign but DON'T PUBLISH IT. Apparently the locals thought of changing the name due to tourists pinching the signs.
Really enjoying your stories
I too wonder what you have been eating, apart from being clever to eat Mozart apples and biscuits and of course the slugs. I know you are on a budget but surely you could afford something more appetising as a midnight feast than slugs, yuck. When you return I think I will be very suspicious of coming for dinner with you!!
When you were on your previous trips you regaled us with the delights of your gastronomic menu's. Maybe European food is not adventurous enough for you?
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