Saturday we spent most of the time in Buda, the old bit. The best thing for me wer

Today we strolled along the Danube and passed the wonderful Parliament biulding.We pottered in Pest and revisited the churches we couldnt get into yesterday and they we both worth the effort.
Well Caroline has returned now and I am pretty sure she enjoyed the weekend. It was good to have some company and conversation for a couple of days and I havent thought about cycling at all, so tomorrow I am in for a bit of a shock.

Tomorrow also will be the return to camping after 3 nights in a hotel and a bed. I can confirm that beds are over rated, but the breakfasts arent. Caroline was astonished that I effectively had 2 breakfast on Saturday, but today I was a bit more discreet about it, but still had two, she just didnt notice. Being as I will have breakfast on my own tomorrow I will do my best to have three and go out in style.
I have no idea where I am heading for tomorrow other than in the vague direction of Ukraine, which I hope to be in by the end of the week. When I get back to the hotel I will have a look at the map. Ukraine will be interesting as I have no imformation, guide book or map and I dont even know the currency or the exchange rate. I could look it up here on the web, but by the time I have finished this I will have had enough.
Changing the subject a bit, I cut my hair the other day and did it without a mirror. All was going well until I removed the length gauge and the blade to clean it out and forgot to put the length gauge back on before I continued. I now have an extra bald patch on the side of the head.
Hello Andy, I am glad to hear you too are tuned into my waffle pages. Harpo, where are you, you have gone a bit quiet.
A few more Slovakia photos have been added and a whole host from Budapest.
You tease us by mentioning two and possibly THREE breakfasts and giving nothing else away. Was it fruit and sweet glazed pastries, or oatmeal or millet porrige and then sizzling bacon,sunny eggs and juicy tomatoes, or croissants, pain aux chocolat......I think i had better go and eat my own breakfast as I seem to be dribbling into the computer keyboard...
And since Basher Barlow is right you ARE the John who's chief gastronomic delight is sausages, look out for the Ukraine Kyshka - a sausage made from buckwheat and blood...
What I want to know is where did Aoiffe get her knowledge of Ukrainian sausages from.....have you been in the sausage business and not told me this? Or have you been scouring the internet whilst dribbling all over the keyboard having your gastronomic breakfast cereal! I know you know a butcher.....but Ukrainian sausages?!
I have a question for you Zibs - these delightful photos you have been taking, have they been enhanced by the use of that wonderful piece of equipment, the mini-tripod? My guess is the picture of the roof of the church in Budapest (which by the way was the view from the room window we had when we stayed at the Hilton next door to the church) must certainly have been taken using the tripod!!!!!
..........or is it just one of those gimicky things that has long since died a natural death?
You like taking pictures of reflections, did you see the marvellous reflections of Fisherman's Bastion in the windows of the Hilton - I got some lovely reflections at that spot:-)
I'm still here.
Keeping an eye on things.
And I'm still in contact with Anna from the Ukraine, she reads your blogs regularly. Would you like me to arrange another bed for you?
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